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Know Your English - June 2004

  • WHAT IS the difference between "godown" and "warehouse"?
  • How is the word "oven" pronounced?
  • What is the meaning of "upset the applecart"?
  • Why is the word "pound" abbreviated to "lb."?
  • What is the meaning of the term "whistleblower"?
  • How is the word "conscientious" pronounced?
  • Which is correct? "I have got a headache" or "I have got headache"?
  • What is the origin of "blackmail"?
  • Is it ok to address a married woman as "Ms."?
  • What's the difference between "inform of" and "inform on"?
  • What is the meaning and origin of "hit below the belt"?
  • Is it OK to say, "When he arrived at home, he looked for the files that he had left behind."?
  • What is the difference between "disassemble" and "dissemble"?
  • How is the word D-day used?
  • Is it O.K to say, "What is your good name?"
  • How is the word "epitome" pronounced?
  • What is the origin of "Hi"?
  • Driving up the wall


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