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Know Your English (July 2001)

Know your English

One of my teachers keeps telling us to ``chill out''. What exactly does he mean by that?

Well, if your teacher is asking you to ``chill out'' it says a lot about your class. Are you a noisy bunch? Do you and your friends talk non-stop in class? Do you allow your teacher say his piece? If the teacher has to use the expression ``chill out'' very often in class, then chances are you are not allowing him to talk in class! By asking you to ``chill out'', the teacher is asking you to calm down, to relax - in other words he is pleading with you to stop talking! The plight of most teachers these days! Here are a few examples.
* Most people like to chill out during weekends.
* The argument was turning nasty. So I told the guys to chill out.
* You have had a pressure packed week. Take a couple of days off and chill out.
It is also possible to say ``chill''. ``Chill out'' and ``chill'' both mean the same thing. Chillin' is another word, which is used very often in American English. Any idea what it means? It means ``great or excellent''. Here are a few examples.
* I made some chillin' friends during the holidays.
* Asmita said that she had a chillin' time yesterday.
* The movie was chillin'.
* By the way, all three expressions are used in informal contexts.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, July17, 2001


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