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Know Your English (July 2001)

Know your English

Is there a word for someone who fears thunder and thunderstorms?

Many of us as children were afraid of thunder and thunderstorms. So it would be rather surprising if the English language didn't have a word to refer to someone who is scared of thunder and thunderstorms. The Greek word for thunder is ``bronto". We all know what ``phobia" is. So the fear of thunder and thunderstorms is ``brontophobia". A person who suffers from this phobia is a ``brontophobe". Here are a few examples.
*Bala had to share a room with a brontophobe during a thunderstorm.
*I am told that Prakasham suffers from brontophobia.
*I wouldn't take Meera out on a night like this. She is brontophobic.
These words however are not used very often.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, July 31, 2001


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