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Know Your English (May 2001)

Know your English

What is the difference between ``its'' and ``it's''?

Many people have a problem with these two words. The word ``it's'', which is normally used in informal writing, is the abbreviated form of ``it is''. For example, we can say, ``It's a wonderful day'', ``It's a boy'' to mean ``It is a wonderful day'' and ``It is a boy''. ``It's'' is also used as a short form of ``It has''. Here are a few examples.
* It's been a lovely day. (It has been a lovely day).
* It's been hard work. (It has been hard work).
The word ``its'' is used to indicate possession - just like the word ``hers.'' Here are a few examples.
* The little baby fell off its chair.
* This house is old. Its roof is leaking.
* It's about time that the horse had its dinner and went to bed.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, May 15, 2001


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