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Know Your English (June 2001)

Know your English

My friend claims that the word ``latrinogram'' exists. Is it true?

We have all come across the words ``telegram'', ``phonogram'', and what have you. But ``latrinogram''? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But your friend is right, the word ``latrinogram'' does exist. As you have probably guessed it, consists of two words - ``latrine'' and ``gram''.
A ``phonogram'' is a message that you receive over the phone. So, what do you think a ``latrinogram'' is? Yes, it's a message that you receive in the latrine! In this case, it is a rumour which originates in the latrines of offices - working people have a tendency to exchange a lot of information (gossip!) in bathrooms. Here are a few examples.
* There was a latrinogram yesterday about the boss being asked to resign.
* Sudha is marrying Sudhir! No way! That's just another latrinogram.
By the way, the stress is on the second syllable ``tri''.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, June05, 2001


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