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Know Your English (May 2001)

Know your English

What is the meaning of ``carte blanche''?

The first word ``cart'' is pronounced like the word ``cart''. The ``a'' in ``blanche'' is pronounced like the ``o'' in ``hot'', ``pot'', and ``cot''. The final ``che'' sounds like the ``sh'' in words like ``should'', ``shut'', and ``ship''. The main stress is on the first syllable of ``blanche''. As you have probably guessed, the expression comes from French.
When you give someone ``cart blanche'', you give them total freedom to do whatever they want. It's like giving them a blank cheque. The literal French meaning of carte blanche is `blank document'. Therefore when you are given ``carte blanche'' you are given complete freedom or authority to do whatever you think is right. Here are a few examples.
* The new Director was given carte blanche to do what he wanted. Rahul was given carte blanche to remodel the old house.
* Sneha was given carte blanche to hire teachers for the new school.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, May 29, 2001


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