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Know Your English (June 2001)

Know your English

What is the meaning of ``Gandhi's revenge''?

Ever heard the expression ``Montezuma's revenge''? It means diarrhoea. Tourists who went to Mexico invariably ended up with an upset stomach - they attributed this to the spicy food and also the water. Here are a few examples.
* Satish had a little touch of Montezuma's revenge on the second day.
* Poor Krishna couldn't go anywhere because of Montezuma's revenge.
You can now probably guess what ``Gandhi's revenge'' means. It's an attack of dysentery that some people experience after eating spicy Indian food. Of course, one doesn't have to visit India to experience ``Gandhi's revenge''; you can suffer the consequences after eating in any of the restaurants abroad! This is an expression that is mainly used in British English.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, June05, 2001


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