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Know Your English (Aug 2001)

Know your English

What is the difference between "partially cooked" and "partly cooked"?

There is a tendency to use the words "partially" and "partly" interchangeably. But careful users of the language make a distinction between the two. When you say that the rice has been partially cooked, it implies that it has not been completely cooked. In other words, it has been underdone; it needs to be boiled some more. On the other hand, when you say that it has been "partly" cooked, it seems to suggest that while certain portions have been cooked properly, some others have not been properly cooked. Perhaps some parts have been partially cooked! It is possible for a person to eat rice that has been partly cooked; he can eat the portion that has been cooked properly. You can also eat rice that has been partially cooked, but you may end up with a stomach-ache.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, August 21, 2001


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