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Know Your English (July 2001)

Know your English

What is the difference between a ``robber" and a ``thief"?

A thief is someone who takes things from you without your being aware of it. A pickpocket, for example, is a thief. He comes up behind you and takes away your wallet without your knowledge. A thief doesn't threaten you with a gun or a knife. In fact, in most cases, you are hardly aware of his presence.
In the case of a robber, on the other hand, you are aware of his presence. You usually come face to face with him. A robber takes things from you by threatening you; he may have a gun or a knife. In the case of a robbery, you are aware of the fact that things are being taken from you. People who force you to part with your belongings are robbers; those who take it away from you without your knowledge are thieves.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, July 31, 2001


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