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Know Your English - July 2002

  • WHAT IS the difference between an "intruder" and an "infiltrator"?
  • What is the meaning of the idiom "not let the grass grow under one's feet?
  • What is the origin of "Uncle Sam"?
  • How is the word "potpourri" pronounced?
  • Know Your English
  • What is the meaning of "go bananas"?
  • What is the difference between "alibi" and "excuse"?
  • Why do we play practical jokes on April 1 ?
  • What is the meaning of "fait accompli"?
  • WHAT IS the difference between "hospice" and "hospital"?
  • What is the meaning and origin of the idiom "dark horse"?
  • How is the word "flour" pronounced?
  • What is the difference in meaning between "That may be the reason she didn't turn up" and "That might be reason she didn't turn up"?
  • What is the meaning of "Jack Robinson"?
  • WHAT IS the difference between "tasty" and "tasteful"?
  • How is the word "penchant" pronounced?
  • What is the meaning and origin of the idiom, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch"
  • Which of the following sentences is correct? "I am busy the next week" or "I am busy next week"?


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