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Know Your English (Feb2001)

Know your English

WHAT IS the meaning of ``have the blues''?

The ``blues'' is a kind of music; it is usually slow and sad. This type of music was first made popular by the Blacks who lived in the Southern states of America - the states where slavery was common. I understand that the original blues songs were about the lives of slaves. Nowadays, in most blues songs the singer sings about how terrible his life is or how unlucky he has been in love - not very different from our Indian film songs! When you say that you have the blues, it means that you are in a sad or depressed mood. It is also possible for one to ``get the blues''. Here are a few examples.
*Rahul has had the blues ever since his wife walked out on him.
* A wet day like today always gives me the blues.
*Shanthi gets the blues whenever she watches ``Love Story''. Another expression, which means more or less the same thing, is ``feeling blue'' If you feel blue, you feel sad.
*Prakash has been feeling blue since yesterday.
*Rainy days always make me feel blue.
*I don't know why, but I am feeling blue this morning.

The Hindu daily, Tuesday, February 06, 2001


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