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Remarks - Relative Pronouns - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar



[Sidenote: Who.]

111. By reading carefully the sentences in Sec. 107, the following

facts will be noticed about the relative _who_:--

(1) It usually refers to persons: thus, in the first sentence, Sec.

107, _a man...who_; in the second, _that man...whose_; in the third,

_son_, _whom_; and so on.

(2) It has three case forms,--_who_, _whose_, _whom_.

(3) The forms do not change for person or number of the antecedent. In

sentence 4, _who_ is first person; in 5, _whose_ is second person; the

others are all third person. In 1, 2, and 3, the relatives are

singular; in 4, 5, and 6, they are plural.

[Sidenote: Who _referring to animals_.]

112. Though in most cases _who_ refers to persons there are

instances found where it refers to animals. It has been seen (Sec. 24)

that animals are referred to by personal pronouns when their

characteristics or habits are such as to render them important or

interesting to man. Probably on the same principle the personal

relative _who_ is used not infrequently in literature, referring to


Witness the following examples:--

And you, warm little housekeeper [the cricket], _who_ class With

those who think the candles come too soon.--LEIGH HUNT.

The robins...have succeeded in driving off the bluejays _who_

used to build in our pines.--LOWELL.

The little gorilla, _whose_ wound I had dressed, flung its arms

around my neck.--THACKERAY.

A lake frequented by every fowl _whom_ Nature has taught to dip

the wing in water.--DR. JOHNSON.

While we had such plenty of domestic insects _who_ infinitely

excelled the former, because they understood how to weave as well

as to spin.--SWIFT.

My horse, _who_, under his former rider had hunted the buffalo,

seemed as much excited as myself.--IRVING.

Other examples might be quoted from Burke, Kingsley, Smollett, Scott,

Cooper, Gibbon, and others.



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