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Demonstrative Adjectives - Types - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar

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[Sidenote: _Not primarily pronouns._]

146. The words of this list are placed here instead of among

pronominal adjectives, for the reason that they are felt to be

primarily adjectives; their pronominal use being evidently a

shortening, by which the words point out but stand for words omitted,

instead of modifying them. Their natural and original use is to be

joined to a noun following or in close connection.

[Sidenote: _The list._]

The demonstrative adjectives are _this_, _that_, (plural _these_,

_those_), _yonder_ (or _yon_), _former_, _latter_; also the pairs

_one_ (or _the one_)--_the other_, _the former_--_the latter_, used to

refer to two things which have been already named in a sentence.

[Sidenote: _Examples._]

The following sentences present some examples:--

The bashful virgin's sidelong looks of love, The matron's glance

that would _those_ looks reprove.--GOLDSMITH.

These were thy charms...but all _these_ charms are fled.--_Id._

About _this_ time I met with an odd volume of the

"Spectator."--B. FRANKLIN.

_Yonder_ proud ships are not means of annoyance to you.--D.


_Yon_ cloud with _that_ long purple cleft.--WORDSWORTH.

I chose for the students of Kensington two characteristic

examples of early art, of equal skill; but in _the one_ case,

skill which was progressive--in _the other_, skill which was at



Find sentences with five demonstrative adjectives.

[Sidenote: _Ordinal numerals classed under demonstratives._]

147. The class of numerals known as ordinals must be placed here,

as having the same function as demonstrative adjectives. They point

out which thing is meant among a series of things mentioned. The

following are examples:--

The _first_ regular provincial newspapers appear to have been

created in the last decade of the _seventeenth_ century, and by

the middle of the _eighteenth_ century almost every important

provincial town had its local organ.--BANCROFT.

These do not, like the other numerals, tell _how many_ things are

meant. When we speak of the seventeenth century, we imply nothing as

to how many centuries there may be.

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