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Double/Triple Possessives - Pronouns - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar



[Sidenote: _Double and triple possessives._]

87. The forms _hers_, _ours_, _yours_, _theirs_, are really double

possessives, since they add the possessive _s_ to what is already a

regular possessive inflection.

Besides this, we have, as in nouns, a possessive phrase made up of the

preposition _of_ with these double possessives, _hers_, _ours_,

_yours_, _theirs_, and with _mine_, _thine_, _his_, sometimes _its_.

[Sidenote: _Their uses._]

Like the noun possessives, they have several uses:--

(1) _To prevent ambiguity_, as in the following:--

I have often contrasted the habitual qualities of that gloomy

friend _of theirs_ with the astounding spirits of Thackeray and

Dickens.--J.T. FIELDS.

No words _of ours_ can describe the fury of the conflict.--J.F.


(2) _To bring emphasis_, as in these sentences:--

This thing _of yours_ that you call a Pardon of Sins, it is a bit

of rag-paper with ink.--CARLYLE.

This ancient silver bowl _of mine_, it tells of good old times.


(3) _To express contempt, anger, or satire_; for example,--

"Do you know the charges that unhappy sister _of mine_ and her

family have put me to already?" says the Master.--THACKERAY.

He [John Knox] had his pipe of Bordeaux too, we find, in that old

Edinburgh house _of his_.--CARLYLE.

"Hold thy peace, Long Allen," said Henry Woodstall, "I tell thee

that tongue _of thine_ is not the shortest limb about


(4) _To make a noun less limited in application_; thus,--

A favorite liar and servant _of mine_ was a man I once had to

drive a brougham.--THACKERAY.

In New York I read a newspaper criticism one day, commenting upon

a letter _of mine_.--_Id._

What would the last two sentences mean if the word _my_ were written

instead of _of mine_, and preceded the nouns?

[Sidenote: _About the case of absolute pronouns._]

88. In their function, or use in a sentence, the absolute possessive

forms of the personal pronouns are very much like adjectives used as


In such sentences as, "_The good_ alone are great," "None but _the

brave_ deserves _the fair_," the words italicized have an adjective

force and also a noun force, as shown in Sec. 20.

So in the sentences illustrating absolute pronouns in Sec. 86: _mine_

stands for _my property_, _his_ for _his property_, in the first

sentence; _mine_ stands for _my praise_ in the second. But the first

two have a nominative use, and _mine_ in the second has an objective


They may be spoken of as possessive in form, but nominative or

objective in use, according as the modified word is in the nominative

or the objective.



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