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Distributive - Def/simple/compound - Pronouns - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar



[Sidenote: _Definition and examples._]

134. The DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS are those which stand for the names

of persons or things considered singly.

[Sidenote: _Simple._]

Some of these are _simple_ pronouns; for example,--

They stood, or sat, or reclined, as seemed good to _each_.

As two yoke devils sworn to _other's_ purpose.

Their minds accorded into one strain, and made delightful music

which _neither_ could have claimed as all his own.

[Sidenote: _Compound_.]

Two are compound pronouns,--_each other_, _one another_. They may be

separated into two adjective pronouns; as,

We violated our reverence _each_ for _the other's_ soul.


More frequently they are considered as one pronoun.

They led one another, as it were, into a high pavilion of their


Men take each other's measure when they react.--EMERSON.


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