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Comparison - Meaning/Def - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar

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155. Comparison is an inflection not possessed by nouns and

pronouns: it belongs to adjectives and adverbs.

[Sidenote: _Meaning of comparison._]

When we place two objects side by side, we notice some differences

between them as to size, weight, color, etc. Thus, it is said that a

cow is _larger_ than a sheep, gold is _heavier_ than iron, a sapphire

is _bluer_ than the sky. All these have certain qualities; and when we

compare the objects, we do so by means of their qualities,--cow and

sheep by the quality of largeness, or size; gold and iron by the

quality of heaviness, or weight, etc.,--but not the same degree, or

amount, of the quality.

The degrees belong to any beings or ideas that may be known or

conceived of as possessing quality; as, "untamed thought, great,

giant-like, enormous;" "the commonest speech;" "It is a nobler valor;"

"the largest soul."

Also words of quantity may be compared: for example, "more matter,

with less wit;" "no fewer than a hundred."

[Sidenote: _Words that cannot be compared._]

156. There are some descriptive words whose meaning is such as not

to admit of comparison; for example,--

His company became very agreeable to the brave old professor of

arms, whose _favorite_ pupil he was.--THACKERAY.

A _main_ difference betwixt men is, whether they attend their own

affair or not.--EMERSON

It was his business to administer the law in its _final_ and

closest application to the offender--HAWTHORNE.

Freedom is a _perpetual, organic, universal_ institution, in

harmony with the Constitution of the United States.--SEWARD.

So with the words _sole_, _sufficient_, _infinite_, _immemorial_,

_indefatigable_, _indomitable_, _supreme_, and many others.

It is true that words of comparison are sometimes prefixed to them,

but, strictly considered, they are not compared.

[Sidenote: _Definition._]

157. Comparison means the changes that words undergo to express

degrees in quality, or amounts in quantity.

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