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Declension/Parsing - Relative Pronouns - Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar



118. These are the forms of the simple relatives:--


_Nom._ who which that what

_Poss._ whose whose -- --

_Obj._ whom which that what


119. The _gender_, _number_, and _person_ of the relatives _who_,

_which_, and _that_ must be determined by those of the antecedent; the

_case_ depends upon the function of the relative in its own clause.

For example, consider the following sentence:

"He uttered truths _that_ wrought upon and molded the lives of

those _who_ heard him."

Since the relatives hold the sentence together, we can, by taking them

out, let the sentence fall apart into three divisions: (1) "He uttered

truths;" (2) "The truths wrought upon and molded the lives of the

people;" (3) "These people heard him."

_That_ evidently refers to _truths_, consequently is neuter, third

person, plural number. _Who_ plainly stands for _those_ or _the

people_, either of which would be neuter, third person, plural number.

Here the relative agrees with its antecedent.

We cannot say the relative agrees with its antecedent in _case_.

_Truths_ in sentence (2), above, is subject of _wrought upon and

molded_; in (1), it is object of _uttered_. In (2), _people_ is the

object of the preposition _of_; in (3), it is subject of the verb

_heard_. Now, _that_ takes the case of _the truths_ in (2), not of

_truths_ which is expressed in the sentence: consequently _that_ is in

the nominative case. In the same way _who_, standing for _the people_

understood, subject of _heard_, is in the nominative case.



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