1. mordacious - Biting or giving to biting.
2. mordant - Biting.
3. moribund - On the point of dying.
4. morose - Gloomy.
5. morphology - the science of organic forms.
6. motley - Composed of heterogeneous or inharmonious elements.
7. motto - An expressive word or pithy sentence enunciating some guiding rule of life, or faith.
8. mountaineer - One who travels among or climbs mountains for pleasure or exercise.
9. mountainous - Full of or abounding in mountains.
10. mouthful - As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise.
11. muddle - To confuse or becloud, especially with or as with drink.
12. muffle - To deaden the sound of, as by wraps.
13. mulatto - The offspring of a white person and a black person.
14. muleteer - A mule-driver.
15. multiform - Having many shapes, or appearances.
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