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Each like a corpse within its grave

Each moment was an iridescent bubble fresh-blown from the lips of fancy

Eager-hearted as a boy

Eager with the headlong zest of a hunter for the game

Ears that seemed as deaf as dead man's ears

Easy as a poet's dream

Emotions flashed across her face like the sweep of sun-rent clouds over a quiet landscape

Eternal as the skies

Evanescent as bubbles [evanescent = vanishing like vapor]

Every flake that fell from heaven was like an angel's kiss

Every lineament was clear as in the sculptor's thought [lineament = characteristic feature]

Everyone on the watch, like a falcon on its nest

Every phrase is like the flash of a scimitar

Exploded like a penny squib

Eyes as deeply dark as are the desert skies

Eyes as luminous and bright and brown as waters of a woodland river

Eyes half veiled by slumberous tears, like bluest water seen through mists of rain

Eyes like a very dark topaz

Eyes like deep wells of compassionate gloom

Eyes like limpid pools in shadow

Eyes like mountain water that o'erflowing on a rock


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