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GRE Word List - 298

1. stringency - Strictness.

2. stringent - Rigid.

3. stripling - A mere youth.

4. studious - Having or showing devotion to the acquisition of knowledge.

5. stultify - To give an appearance of foolishness to.

6. stupendous - Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree.

7. stupor - Profound lethargy.

8. suasion - The act of persuading.

9. suave - Smooth and pleasant in manner.

10. subacid - Somewhat sharp or biting.

11. subaquatic - Being, formed, or operating under water.

12. subconscious - Being or occurring in the mind, but without attendant consciousness or conscious perception.

13. subjacent - Situated directly underneath.

14. subjection - The act of bringing into a state of submission.

15. subjugate - To conquer.


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