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GRE Word List - 295

1. spheroid - A body having nearly the form of a sphere.

2. spherometer - An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces.

3. spinous - Having spines.

4. spinster - A woman who has never been married.

5. spontaneous - Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause.

6. sprightly - Vivacious.

7. spurious - Not genuine.

8. squabble - To quarrel.

9. squalid - Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance.

10. squatter - One who settles on land without permission or right.

11. stagnant - Not flowing: said of water, as in a pool.

12. stagnate - To become dull or inert.

13. stagnation - The condition of not flowing or not changing.

14. stagy - Having a theatrical manner.

15. staid - Of a steady and sober character.


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