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Faces pale with bliss, like evening stars

Fade away like a cloud in the horizon

Faint and distant as the light of a sun that has long set

Faintly, like a falling dew

Fair and fleet as a fawn

Fair as a star when only one is shining in the sky

Fallen like dead leaves on the highway

Falling away like a speck in space

Fanciful and extravagant as a caliph's dream

Fawning like dumb neglected lap-dogs

Felt her breath upon his cheek like a perfumed air

Fields of young grain and verdured pastures like crushed velvet

Fierce as a bear in defeat

Fierce as the flames

Fills life up like a cup with bubbling and sparkling liquor

Fit closely together as the close-set stones of a building

Fix'd like a beacon-tower above the waves of a tempest

Flame like a flag unfurled

Flap loose and slack like a drooping sail

Flashed with the brilliancy of a well-cut jewel

Fled like sweet dreams

Fleet as an arrow

Flitted like a sylph on wings

Flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love

Fluent as a rill, that wanders silver-footed down a hill

Fluid as thought

Fluttered like gilded butterflies in giddy mazes

Fragile as a spider's web

Free as the air, from zone to zone I flew

Free as the winds that caress

Fresh and unworn as the sea that breaks languidly beside them

Fresh as a jewel found but yesterday

Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail

Frightened like a child in the dark

Full-throated as the sea

Furious as eagles


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