1. susceptibility - A specific capability of feeling or emotion.
2. susceptible - Easily under a specified power or influence.
3. suspense - Uncertainty.
4. suspension - A hanging from a support.
5. suspicious - Inclined to doubt or mistrust.
6. sustenance - Food.
7. swarthy - Having a dark hue, especially a dark or sunburned complexion.
8. Sybarite - A luxurious person.
9. sycophant - A servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence.
10. syllabic - Consisting of that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse.
11. syllabication - Division of words into that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse.
12. syllable - That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse.
13. syllabus - Outline of a subject, course, lecture, or treatise.
14. sylph - A slender, graceful young woman or girl.
15. symmetrical - Well-balanced.
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