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The moon on the tower slept soft as snow

The moonbeams rest like a pale spotless shroud

The moonlight lay like snow

The moonlight, like a fairy mist, upon the mesa spreads

The mortal coldness of the soul, like death itself comes down

The mountain shadows mingling, lay like pools above the earth

The mountains loomed up dimly, like phantoms through the mist

The music almost died away, then it burst like a pent-up flood

The name that cuts into my soul like a knife

The nervous little train winding its way like a jointed reptile

The new ferns were spread upon the earth like some lacy coverlet

The night like a battle-broken host is driven before

The night yawned like a foul wind

The ocean swelled like an undulating mirror of the bowl of heaven

The old books look somewhat pathetically from the shelves, like aged dogs wondering why no one takes them for a walk

The old infamy will pop into daylight like a toad out of fissure in the rock

The penalty falls like a thunderbolt from heaven

The phrase was like a spear-thrust

The pine trees waved as waves a woman's hair

The place was like some enchanted town of palaces

The plains to northward change their color like the shimmering necks of doves

The poppy burned like a crimson ember

The prime of man has waxed like cedars

The public press would chatter and make odd ambiguous sounds like a shipload of monkeys in a storm

The purple heather rolls like dumb thunder

The rainbows flashed like fire


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