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GRE Word List - 301

1. succumb - To cease to resist.

2. sufferance - Toleration.

3. sufficiency - An ample or adequate supply.

4. suffrage - The right or privilege of voting.

5. suffuse - To cover or fill the surface of.

6. suggestible - That can be suggested.

7. suggestive - Stimulating to thought or reflection.

8. summary - An abstract.

9. sumptuous - Rich and costly.

10. superabundance - An excessive amount.

11. superadd - To add in addition to what has been added.

12. superannuate - To become deteriorated or incapacitated by long service.

13. superb - Sumptuously elegant.

14. supercilious - Exhibiting haughty and careless contempt.

15. superficial - Knowing and understanding only the ordinary and the obvious.


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