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GRE Word List - 323

1. uproarious - Noisy.

2. uproot - To eradicate.

3. upturn - To throw into confusion.

4. urban - Of, or pertaining to, or like a city.

5. urbanity - Refined or elegant courtesy.

6. urchin - A roguish, mischievous boy.

7. urgency - The pressure of necessity.

8. usage - Treatment.

9. usurious - Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned.

10. usurp - To take possession of by force.

11. usury - The demanding for the use of money as a loan, a rate of interest beyond what is allowed by law.

12. utilitarianism - The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful or of beneficial tendency.

13. utility - Fitness for some desirable practical purpose.

14. utmost - The greatest possible extent.

15. vacate - To leave.


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