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GRE Word List - 204

1. monomania - The unreasonable pursuit of one idea.

2. monopoly - The control of a thing, as a commodity, to enable a person to raise its price.

3. monosyllable - A word of one syllable.

4. monotone - The sameness or monotony of utterance.

5. monotonous - Unchanging and tedious.

6. monotony - A lack of variety.

7. monsieur - A French title of respect, equivalent to Mr. and sir.

8. monstrosity - Anything unnaturally huge or distorted.

9. moonbeam - A ray of moonlight.

10. morale - A state of mind with reference to confidence, courage, zeal, and the like.

11. moralist - A writer on ethics.

12. morality - Virtue.

13. moralize - To render virtuous.

14. moratorium - An emergency legislation authorizing a government suspend some action temporarily.

15. morbid - Caused by or denoting a diseased or unsound condition of body or mind.


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