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GRE Word List - 202

1. mnemonics - A system of principles and formulas designed to assist the recollection in certain instances.

2. moat - A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall.

3. mobocracy - Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace.

4. moccasin - A foot-covering made of soft leather or buckskin.

5. mockery - Ridicule.

6. moderation - Temperance.

7. moderator - The presiding officer of a meeting.

8. modernity - The state or character of being modern.

9. modernize - To make characteristic of the present or of recent times.

10. modification - A change.

11. modify - To make somewhat different.

12. modish - Fashionable.

13. modulate - To vary in tone, inflection, pitch or other quality of sound.

14. mollify - To soothe.

15. molt - To cast off, as hair, feathers, etc.


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