1. misogamy - Hatred of marriage.
2. misogyny - Hatred of women.
3. misplace - To put into a wrong place.
4. misrepresent - To give a wrong impression.
5. misrule - To misgovern.
6. missal - The book containing the service for the celebration of mass.
7. missile - Any object, especially a weapon, thrown or intended to be thrown.
8. missive - A message in writing.
9. mistrust - To regard with suspicion or jealousy.
10. misty - Lacking clearness
11. misunderstand - To Take in a wrong sense.
12. misuse - To maltreat.
13. mite - A very small amount, portion, or particle.
14. miter - The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle.
15. mitigate - To make milder or more endurable.
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