1. dolorous - Expressing or causing sorrow or pain.
2. domain - A sphere or field of action or interest.
3. domesticity - Life in or fondness for ones home and family.
4. domicile - The place where one lives.
5. dominance - Ascendancy.
6. dominant - Conspicuously prominent.
7. dominate - To influence controllingly.
8. domination - Control by the exercise of power or constituted authority.
9. domineer - To rule with insolence or unnecessary annoyance.
10. donate - To bestow as a gift, especially for a worthy cause.
11. donator - One who makes a donation or present.
12. donee - A person to whom a donation is made.
13. donor - One who makes a donation or present.
14. dormant - Being in a state of or resembling sleep.
15. doublet - One of a pair of like things.
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