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GRE Word List - 255

1. prohibition - A decree or an order forbidding something.

2. prohibitionist - One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

3. prohibitory - Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages.

4. projection - A prominence.

5. proletarian - A person of the lowest or poorest class.

6. prolific - Producing offspring or fruit.

7. prolix - Verbose.

8. prologue - A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem, discourse, or performance.

9. prolong - To extend in time or duration.

10. promenade - To walk for amusement or exercise.

11. prominence - The quality of being noticeable or distinguished.

12. prominent - Conspicuous in position, character, or importance.

13. promiscuous - Brought together without order, distinction, or design (for sex).

14. promissory - Expressing an engagement to pay.

15. promontory - A high point of land extending outward from the coastline into the sea.


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