1. percussion - The sharp striking of one body against another.
2. peremptory - Precluding question or appeal.
3. perennial - Continuing though the year or through many years.
4. perfectible - Capable of being made perfect.
5. perfidy - Treachery.
6. perforate - To make a hole or holes through.
7. perform - To accomplish.
8. perfumery - The preparation of perfumes.
9. perfunctory - Half-hearted.
10. perhaps - Possibly.
11. perigee - The point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the earth.
12. periodicity - The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals.
13. peripatetic - Walking about.
14. perjure - To swear falsely to.
15. perjury - A solemn assertion of a falsity.
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