1. nihilist - An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can be known.
2. nil - Nothing
3. nimble - Light and quick in motion or action.
4. nit - The egg of a louse or some other insect.
5. nocturnal - Of or pertaining to the night.
6. noiseless - Silent.
7. noisome - Very offensive, particularly to the sense of smell.
8. noisy - Clamorous.
9. nomad - Having no fixed abode.
10. nomic - Usual or customary.
11. nominal - Trivial.
12. nominate - To designate as a candidate for any office.
13. nomination - The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office.
14. nominee - One who receives a nomination.
15. non-existent - That which does not exist.
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