1. irrefrangible - That can not be broken or violated.
2. irrelevant - Inapplicable.
3. irreligious - Indifferent or opposed to religion.
4. irreparable - That can not be rectified or made amends for.
5. irrepressible - That can not be restrained or kept down.
6. irresistible - That can not be successfully withstood or opposed.
7. irresponsible - Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities.
8. irreverence - The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
9. irreverent - Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
10. irreverential - Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things.
11. irreversible - Irrevocable.
12. irrigant - Serving to water lands by artificial means.
13. irrigate - To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means.
14. irritable - Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation.
15. irritancy - The quality of producing vexation.
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