1. imitation - That which is made as a likeness or copy.
2. imitator - One who makes in imitation.
3. immaculate - Without spot or blemish.
4. immaterial - Of no essential consequence.
5. immature - Not full-grown.
6. immeasurable - Indefinitely extensive.
7. immense - Very great in degree, extent, size, or quantity.
8. immerse - To plunge or dip entirely under water or other fluid.
9. immersion - The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid.
10. immigrant - A foreigner who enters a country to settle there.
11. immigrate - To come into a country or region from a former habitat.
12. imminence - Impending evil or danger.
13. imminent - Dangerous and close at hand.
14. immiscible - Separating, as oil and water.
15. immoral - Habitually engaged in licentious or lewd practices.
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