1. iciness - The state of being icy.
2. icon - An image or likeness.
3. iconoclast - An image-breaker.
4. idealize - To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard.
5. idiom - A use of words peculiar to a particular language.
6. idiosyncrasy - A mental quality or habit peculiar to an individual.
7. idolize - To regard with inordinate love or admiration.
8. ignoble - Low in character or purpose.
9. ignominious - Shameful.
10. Iliad - A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy.
11. illegal - Not according to law.
12. illegible - Undecipherable.
13. illegitimate - Unlawfully begotten.
14. illiberal - Stingy.
15. illicit - Unlawful.
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