1. hexapod - Having six feet.
2. hexagon - A figure with six angles.
3. hiatus - A break or vacancy where something necessary to supply the connection is wanting.
4. hibernal - Pertaining to winter.
5. Hibernian - Pertaining to Ireland, or its people.
6. hideous - Appalling.
7. hilarious - Boisterously merry.
8. hillock - A small hill or mound.
9. hinder - To obstruct.
10. hindmost - Farthest from the front.
11. hindrance - An obstacle.
12. hirsute - Having a hairy covering.
13. hoard - To gather and store away for the sake of accumulation.
14. hoarse - Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue.
15. homage - Reverential regard or worship.
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