1. glimpse - A momentary look.
2. globose - Spherical.
3. globular - Spherical.
4. glorious - Of excellence and splendor.
5. glutinous - Sticky.
6. gluttonous - Given to excess in eating.
7. gnash - To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage.
8. Gordian knot - Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners.
9. gourmand - A connoisseur in the delicacies of the table.
10. gosling - A young goose.
11. gossamer - Flimsy.
12. gourd - A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind.
13. graceless - Ungracious.
14. gradation - A step, degree, rank, or relative position in an order or series.
15. gradient - Moving or advancing by steps.
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