1. finite - Limited.
2. fiscal - Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government.
3. fishmonger - One who sells fish.
4. fissure - A crack or crack-like depression.
5. fitful - Spasmodic.
6. fixture - One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position.
7. flag-officer - The captain of a flag-ship.
8. flagrant - Openly scandalous.
9. flamboyant - Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste.
10. flatulence - Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels.
11. flection - The act of bending.
12. fledgling - A young bird.
13. flexible - Pliable.
14. flimsy - Thin and weak.
15. flippant - Having a light, pert, trifling disposition.
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