1. fancier - One having a taste for or interest in special objects.
2. fanciless - Unimaginative.
3. fastidious - Hard to please.
4. fathom - A measure of length, 6 feet.
5. fatuous - Idiotic
6. faulty - Imperfect.
7. faun - One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet.
8. fawn - A young deer.
9. fealty - Loyalty.
10. feasible - That may be done, performed, or effected; practicable.
11. federate - To league together.
12. feint - Any sham, pretense, or deceptive movement.
13. felicitate - To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event.
14. felicity - A state of well-founded happiness.
15. felon - A criminal or depraved person.
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