1. exonerate - To relieve or vindicate from accusation, imputation, or blame.
2. exorbitance - Extravagance or enormity.
3. exorbitant - Going beyond usual and proper limits.
4. exorcise - To cast or drive out by religious or magical means.
5. exotic - Foreign.
6. expand - To increase in range or scope.
7. expanse - A continuous area or stretch.
8. expansion - Increase of amount, size, scope, or the like.
9. expatriate - To drive from ones own country.
10. expect - To look forward to as certain or probable.
11. expectancy - The act or state of looking forward to as certain or probable.
12. expectorate - To cough up and spit forth.
13. expediency - Fitness to meet the requirements of a particular case.
14. expedient - Contributing to personal advantage.
15. expedite - To hasten the movement or progress of.
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