1. enshrine - To keep sacred.
2. ensnare - To entrap.
3. entail - To involve; necessitate.
4. entangle - To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications.
5. enthrall - To bring or hold under any overmastering influence.
6. enthrone - To invest with sovereign power.
7. enthuse - To yield to or display intense and rapturous feeling.
8. enthusiastic - Full of zeal and fervor.
9. entirety - A complete thing.
10. entomology - The branch of zoology that treats of insects.
11. entrails - The internal parts of an animal.
12. entreaty - An earnest request.
13. entree - The act of entering.
14. entrench - To fortify or protect, as with a trench or ditch and wall.
15. entwine - To interweave.
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