1. eccentric - Peculiar.
2. eccentricity - Idiosyncrasy.
3. eclipse - The obstruction of a heavenly body by its entering into the shadow of another body.
4. economize - To spend sparingly.
5. ecstasy - Rapturous excitement or exaltation.
6. ecstatic - Enraptured.
7. edible - Suitable to be eaten.
8. edict - That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action.
9. edify - To build up, or strengthen, especially in morals or religion.
10. editorial - An article in a periodical written by the editor and published as an official argument.
11. educe - To draw out.
12. efface - To obliterate.
13. effect - A consequence.
14. effective - Fit for a destined purpose.
15. effectual - Efficient.
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