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Know Your English (Nov 2001)-8

Know your English

WHAT IS the meaning of "bolt from the blue"?

This is an expression, which has been a part of the English language for a very long time. When you say that something was a "bolt from the blue" or a "bolt out of the blue", it means that it was sudden and totally unexpected; whatever happened really surprised you. Here are a few examples.

*The news that Sumithra had lung cancer was a bolt from the blue.

*Gauri seemed to really like her new job. So when she informed her parents last week that she was planning on quitting, it was a bolt out of the blue.

The word "blue" in the expression refers to the blue sky and "bolt" refers to thunderbolts. On a day when the sky is blue and there are no clouds around, one does not expect to hear thunder. If one does, one is really surprised.


The Hindu daily, Tuesday, November 13, 2001


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