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Know Your English (Nov 2001)-16

Know your English

How is the word `pandemonium' pronounced?

This is a word that many people in our country have begun to associate with Parliament sessions. The first syllable is pronounced like the word``pan", while the``e''in the second syllable and the ``u'' in the final syllable are pronounced like the ``a'' in`` China". The`` mon''rhymes with ``bone", ``phone", and ``cone". The ``i'' in the fourth syllable is like the ``i'' in ``it", "bit", and "fit". The main stress is on the third syllable "mon". Any idea what the word means? When there is pandemonium there is usually a lot of shouting and screaming because people are angry or frightened about something. Here are a few examples.

*There was pandemonium when the Chairman announced that he was resigning.

*There was pandemonium at the airport when the plane crashed.

*Our meetings always end in pandemonium.


The Hindu daily, Tuesday, November 20, 2001


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