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Know Your English (Jan 2002)-19

Know your English

What is the meaning of the idiom "to rob Peter to pay Paul"?

When you rob Peter to pay Paul what you are doing is taking money from one person in order to pay another. You are not actually clearing your debts; all that you are doing is paying off one person by borrowing from another. As a result, you still continue to be in debt. Here are a few examples.

*Tara took a loan from the bank in order to clear her debts; robbing Peter to pay Paul.

*I am not going to ask my neighbour for some for money in order to pay you. It would be like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

*Some people use one credit card to pay off the bills of another credit card. It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul. I just don't understand it.


The Hindu daily, Tuesday, Jan 22, 2002


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