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Know Your English (Jan 2002)-23

Know your English

What is the difference between "ornamental'' and "ornate''?

When you say that something is "ornate" what you are implying is that the object has been decorated excessively or elaborately. There is too much decoration and as a result it is showy or gaudy; the word generally has a negative connotation. The main stress, by the way, is on the second syllable "nate", which rhymes with "eight", "bait", and "hate". Here are a few examples.

*I saw Alok carrying a heavy, ornate vase.

*The father disapproved of the ornate cigarette case.

The word "ornamental" also means decorative, but unlike "ornate" it isn't associated with anything negative. When you say that something is "ornamental" what you are implying is that the object has been designed to be decorative without being too vulgar or ostentatious. The stress in this word is on the third syllable, "men". Here are a few examples.

*The rose plant in that corner is purely ornamental.

*My father designed the ornamental garden at the back of my house.


The Hindu daily, Tuesday, Jan 29, 2002


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