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It's so charming of you to say that

It's so kind of you to come

It's such a bore having to talk about it

It's the natural sequence

It's too melancholy

It's very wonderful

It makes it all quite interesting

It may sound strange to you

It must be a trifle dull at times

It must be fascinating

It must be very gratifying to you

It must have been rather embarrassing

It seems an age since we've last seen you

It seems entirely wonderful to me

It seems incredible

It seems like a distracting dream

It seems preposterous

It seems the height of absurdity

It seems to me that you have a perfect right to do so

It seems unspeakably funny to me

It seems very ridiculous

It shall be as you wish

It should not be objectionable

It sounds plausible

It sounds profoundly interesting


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