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Know Your English - August 2006

August 2006

Know your English (20060829)
What is the killing of one's brother called? (20060821)
What is the meaning of `raise the bar'? (20060821)
Why do we say `five star hotel' and not `five stars hotel'? (20060821)
How is the word `embarrass' pronounced? (20060821)
What is the difference between a `story' and a `tale'? (20060821)
Know Your English (20060814)
What is the difference between `advisor' and `adviser'? (20060807)
What is the meaning of `cross the bridge when you come to it'? (20060807)
Which is correct? `A small percentage of the students is worked up about the fee hike' or `A small percentage of the students are worked up about the fee hike'. (20060807)
What is the origin of the word `nightmare'? (20060807)


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