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The flabbiness of our culture

The flaccid moods of prose

The flame of discord raged with redoubled fury

The flattest and most obvious truisms

The flippant insolence of a decadent skepticism

The foe of excess and immoderation

The fog of prejudice and ill-feeling

The frustration of their dearest hopes

The garb of civilization

The general infusion of wit

The gift of prophecy

The golden years of youth and maturity

The gratification of ambition

The grim reality of defeat

The hall-mark of a healthy humanity

The handmaid of tyranny

The hint of tranquillity and self-poise

The hints of an imaginable alliance

The hobgoblin of little minds

The holiest and most ennobling sensations of the soul

The hollowest of hollow shams

The homely virtue of practical utility

The hubbub and turmoil of the great world

The huge and thoughtful night

The hurly-burly of events


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